Classroom Management

Classroom Expectations

Mistakes and Questions are welcomed.
We should not be afraid to make mistakes or ask questions, essential to learning.
We will respect Mr. Alley, others, and myself.
Kindness makes the world go around, especially when respect is earned not deserved. 
Keep the classroom neat, by always cleaning up after ourselves.
We must show respect to the custodians by cleaning up every day after activities, and before we leave for the day.
Be prepared for class.
When we are ready for the lesson, we can start learning and have the opportunity to do engaging activities together! Preparing pencils, books, computers, and binders is expected before the class starts. 
We will challenge ourselves while learning. 
Everyone will do their 100% and even if we struggle or don't know, we will at least try. 

Classroom Reward System and Rewards

We will be using Classroom Dojo to reward students, and communicate with parents about Glows (good moments) and Grows (no-so good moments) as well.

Rewards for Students: Stamps
Students will have a sheet in their communication sheet where they will be stamped to a specific amount where they will be rewarded with Snack time during Independent practice. Behaviors ranging from "Actively participating" to "Model Citizen" will receive a stamp in the 9 weeks. 

 Bear Bucks/Alley Coupons:
Students will be quietly given tickets where they can save up for a list of rewards such as Treasure Box, free snack, no homework pass, sit in the Director's chair, or extra recess time. The tickets will be valid until the end of the 9 weeks so be sure to use them wisely.


We all have a bad day when we forget to follow the classroom expectations. The way that I handle this is through the method of de-escalating the conflict. 
1. Warning- Give a non-verbal warning to the student to take a little break.
2. Calm Down Table- I will ask students to move to the Chill Out Table to take mindfulness practices to calm down and make the right choice.
3. Private Meetings- I will discuss with the student privately to understand the root of the issue and will discuss choices to improve their behavior. 

I don't like to take away their recess or issue a Parent-Teacher conference, but if the issue continues and no other method works. The student's parents will be contacted on Classroom Dojo and email to schedule a Parent-Teacher conference or go into detention during recess to focus on an activity to reflect on their behavior.