Homework Info. 

Homework is an essential activity for students to learn especially when it comes to practicing what they learned from the lesson.

Why is Homework Important?
While it is a learning activity, it has a few purposes being:

  • Allows students to take control of their time, increasing their time management skills, essential for higher education and careers.
  • Continous homework helps students in understanding topics quickly, specifically in retention and understanding.  
  • Parents and Teachers can observe what the student understands, providing a possible opportunity for learning intervention.

When it comes to homework, it is essential for students to practice the content they have learned but it should not hinder their childhood. The homework is designed to be done within 10-20 minutes. The assignments will be given out on Monday and will be due on Friday at the beginning of the class. 

It is highly encouraged for parents to participate in their students' learning such as: reserving time to work with their students, providing a quiet study area, monitoring the student's agenda for assignments, and encouraging students to work on independence skills. 

Student Expectations

  • Turn in homework on time.
  • Record on agenda for homework.
  • Ask questions for clarification, especially when confused about homework. 
  • Have time to work on homework.

Late Homework Policies

  • Students are allowed to make up missed work.
  • Students have 4 school days to turn in completed missing work.
  • Students will be provided resources to relearn and practice "mastery" of missed content.