For Parents and Students

Behavior Management Plan

Regarding behavior within and outside the classroom, we will be using Classroom Dojo. It is a program that will count points for good behavior and send notifications to parents on behavioral issues. 

It is the responsibility of the school and me to maintain a safe environment for each student to learn, bullying is not acceptable regardless of the excuse. If there are any concerns, contact me on my "Contact Me" page via phone or email.  

If you would like to learn about Classroom Dojo, please check out this 1-minute video.

Please look into the "Classroom Management" tab to learn more about strategies used in the classroom regarding more about Behavior.

Parent Involvement

Parents are welcome to donate items from the newsletter such as tissues, expo markers, and snacks. It is not required but greatly appreciated. Classroom parents are welcome!

Parents are also welcome to participate in a little presentation regarding their careers on Fridays. It is called the Career Expose where students may get to learn about their Parents' jobs in science and/or math. This is an opportunity for students to engage in careers and also notice how Math and Science are used in the real world. If you are interested, please contact me and we may discuss what we can do. It is not required but would be awesome for the students to hear about how the information they learn can be used within the real world. 

All parents must go through the Front Office to be allowed entrance to the classroom. 

Links to Information
These are free resources for both Parents and Students to learn Science and Mathematics

BrainPOP (Kindergarten- 8th grade): A student-friendly website filled with a variety of topics in mathematics, science, and so much more. There are videos that the students and parents can review for free including activities such as quizzes, vocabulary study, and graphic organizer, to engage the students in active learning.

Prodigy (1st- 8th grade): An engaging, mostly free program that students can play that includes questions regarding their grade level and have active learning especially when it comes to working on questions. Students can be allowed to work on these questions during class for free time and can be used as well a reward for students out of school for completing their homework. Parents are allowed to have an account and watch their student's progress and can reward their students for their progress in the game.

Khan Academy: A free website full of videos based on grade levels that cover a variety o=f subjects besides the Core, an easy way for the students to work on their specific grade level's curriculum. It also allowed parents to go along with the videos and work on assignments provided by the website. It can be a good resource for both students and parents to refer back to a refresh on information concerning the topic or assignment.